Lansing St. gallery
Contemporary fine art, at it’s finest, in the heart of downtown Mendocino.
A hub for coastal and Bay Area artists, representing a diverse, vibrant and creative community. Explore their showroom in our downtown or visit their gallery online.
10466 Lansing St, Mendocino, CA 95460
mendocino theatre co.
Local Theatre + In the heart of downtown Mendocino.
The mission of the Mendocino Theatre Company is to produce plays of substance and excitement, from the classics to the cutting edge. MTC strives to address issues that speak to our world with plays that entertain, challenge and enrich our community and those who visit. With a commitment to excellence, MTC focuses on nurturing local talent by providing a collaborative, respectful and creative environment.
45200 Little Lake St, Mendocino, CA 95460
Local Artists, here on the Mendocino Coast, have come together to share their art. The 12 local artists manage the gallery together, show their own work, and on occasion the artwork of others. Within the walls of this historic building, is a vintage bank vault, where you will find work by local jewelers.
Hours are Thursdays-Mondays, 11am-5pm and they hold Second Saturday events every month.
45062 Ukiah St, Mendocino, CA 95460